We worship and serve a generous God, and we are called to be generous with God’s gifts to further God’s work and mission in the world. Therefore, what we do with our money is part of Christian discipleship.
Scripture provides much freedom in how we are to give. Several guiding principles are for our giving to be: joyful, sacrificial and regular. Many find the tithe (10%) of one’s income to be a helpful guide. Tithing was God’s instruction for Israel, and it was the practice of many in the early church in order to concretely practice generosity and affirm God’s ownership of all they had. In Jesus’ New Covenant, the tithe is not a law. For most of us, the tithe represents sacrificial giving. Start at whatever level you have the faith to act – and then trust God.
Several safe and secure methods of giving provide convenient ways to offer tithes and financial contributions to Beaver Dam Baptist Church:
Online giving simplifies contributing by allowing for a specific dollar amount to be sent to Beaver Dam Baptist Church on a specific date, thus decreasing the number of checks you have to write. Online giving is not only easy, it is safe and secure. Furthermore, these options help individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a Sunday service. This can be done in either of two ways:
1. REALM: Click the DONATE button anywhere on our website to make a donation using a credit or debit card or your bank account through REALM, our church management software. This option is safe, secure, and private. Read the FAQs to find out more >>>>>>
2. Bill Pay Through Your Bank: You may schedule contributions directly through your bank’s website using their Bill-Pay Feature. Set up the recipient to be BDBC using the church’s address given below. If an account number is requested, use your envelope number. Schedule a payment whenever you choose. The advantage of this option is that there is usually no charge for this service; therefore, the church receives the full amount of your donation.
3. Sunday morning service: Tithes and offerings may be placed in the giving baskets located at the front of the sanctuary. Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes. Envelopes can be found in the pews, but if you would like some offering envelopes to take home, please let an usher know after a service or contact the church office.
4. Postal mail: Checks may also be sent to the church through the mail at the following address:
Attn: Financial Secretary
Beaver Dam Baptist Church
1794 Richmond Road
Troy, VA 22974
Does the full amount of my online donation go to the church?
Are there fees charged for online giving?
Yes. The church pays a small fee for each online transaction through Realm. The fees for online giving are 2.67% for credit/debit cards and 1% for ACH. You may choose to help offset those costs, if you wish.
There are usually no fees associated with using bill pay through your bank. In both cases, you will be credited with the full amount of your donation.
Without a canceled check,
how can I document my contribution?
Realm will send a receipt to your email address. Also, your bank or credit card statement gives an itemized list of transactions.
Will my contribution statement reflect any online giving?
Yes. All gifts to BDBC, regardless of the method of giving, are accounted for in the church’s contributions statements.
May I set up recurring online giving contributions?
Yes. You may choose to make a one-time gift or give multiple times through Realm.
When is the contribution charged to my checking account or credit card?
Transactions usually take 2-3 business days, so contributions scheduled on Friday through Sunday may not show up on your account until early the following week.
Can I donate to various funds in the church?
Not online. However, if you do notify the church office, in writing or email, that you wish for your donation to be designated to a certain fund we will make sure it is credited to that account.
What if I make a mistake during the process of online giving?
You will have a chance to confirm, cancel, or change any transaction before it is submitted.
What if I still have questions?
Call the church office at (434) 295-0277.